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ENVE Industry Night

[Click images to enlarge] By Emily Bickel This year, ENVE hosted a UBC Environmental Engineering Industry Night. The event took place at the Wolf and Hound in Kitsilano and had an excellent turnout between students and industry. Both students and industry enjoyed playing networking bingo, an icebreaker game which involved bingo cards with questions designed […]

Conference on Sustainability in Engineering

Conference on Sustainability in Engineering

By Anna Vu and Laura Fredrickson The Conference on Sustainability in Engineering (CSE) was a three-day, national conference that gathered 82 of the top engineering students from across Canada to learn about sustainability and discuss its applicability to their engineering career and everyday life. It was a stage for student leaders to share their passion […]

Co-op Experience at Hemmera

Co-op Experience at Hemmera

By Aya Costa My first co-op experience was with an environmental consulting company called Hemmera. I worked on their Site Assessment and Remediation team for eight months assisting environmental engineers and scientists with contaminated sites related projects. In my position as an Environmental Engineering Co-op Student, I experienced a balanced mix of office and field […]